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When it comes to getting fitted for a suit, it doesn’t matter what size you are, it often isn’t easy. There are so many different measurements to get right and most men end up having to get suits altered to achieve that perfect fit. If you’re bigger, broader or taller than the ‘average’ man, the struggle can be even greater.

With men commonly standing taller than 6ft nowadays and more and more gents hitting the gym regularly, broadening their shoulders and chests, more men are fitting into the ‘big men’ category for clothing than ever before.

So, if you’re considered a bigger man – how can you find your perfect tailored fit?


  1. If In Doubt, Size Up and Alter Down

When you’re trying on different sized jackets or trousers, you’ll always end up trying a number of sizes to find your perfect fit but what do you do if you fall between two sizes?

The answer is always to buy the size up and have it altered down.

Slater Menswear offers free alterations on all suits bought online or in-store and it is easier to alter a suit to be smaller than it is to make something bigger, so always pick the larger size that didn’t quite fit right and have it altered to be more fitted.


  1. Opt for Regular or Tailored Fits

Although slim and skinny fit suits are available in bigger sizes it can often be difficult to get the right fit if you genuinely are a bigger man, be it in your shoulders, chest or waist.

Regular and tailored fits naturally have a little more excess fabric and therefore stretch, meaning the sizes are typically more generous and comfortable, so whether you’ve got large arms or a broad chest, everything should fit a little better than if you opted for a skinnier fit.

  1. Pay Attention to the Length of Your Tie

Particularly a tip for the taller man, if you are known for being ‘taller than average’, a standard length tie may look shorter on your torso than it would on others, so you may want to source a longer length tie or opt for a simple knot that doesn’t use much length.

Super short ties can ruin your complete look, so keep an eye out for longer-length ties.


  1. Bolder/Bigger Prints Are Your Friend

If you have a broader physique, your body shape will lend itself to bigger, bold prints over smaller, more detailed designs as your structure can pull them off.

As your suits are set to be larger in width and length, a small, intricate pattern is likely to look very busy and overpowering, whereas something like a big, clean check print lends itself to bigger men’s suits as there’s more material to carry the pattern.

So, if you’re a bigger, broader or taller man and convinced a suit isn’t going to work for you… think again!

Every Slater Menswear store is stocked with suits to work for the larger man, up to a 60” chest size in some styles. Whilst exploring the range, you can be assisted by one of our in-store experts, all of which are trained to measure up men for suits to perfection to ensure the best fit for you! All the alterations will then be carried out for FREE exclusively at your local Slater Menswear store.

  • Selected products are not available at the moment.


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